Thursday, November 28, 2019

Where did we fail for Shehala Sherin ?

I do not know where to begin as I write in grief hearing about the passing of 10 year old Shehala Sherin who as bitten by a snake in her classroom . Her teacher refused to believe the child and hence delayed taking her to hospital . This happened in the very place where students call their second home .

Kerala is considered to be one of the most literate state in India . But we fail in so many ways when it come to safety and hygiene.
This particular school Shehala studied in didn't have proper first aid facilities :(.. Isn't that one of the most important facility required. Our attitude towards safety has to change. I have come across many people in my life where they crib about wearing a helmet while riding a bike. Why is wearing a helmet even an option when you life is at stake. The logic and the rule on state that only the rider need to wear it confuses my mind because when a bike falls co passenger falls too ..even if there is no written rule in book to wear helmet for a co passenger shouldn't that be self thought .
In India you can find not two but four in a family ride with only the father wearing a helmet and the three other not wearing . Who is responsible for the safety of the wife and kids ? People blame the roads and poor governance( which is another topic in itself) but isn't that good enough reason to wear helmet 😐.

Another common sight  is a parent  sitting in front seat with a baby . Most dangerous place for a baby is in the hands of a mother /father sitting in front seat. A sudden break and the first person to hit the dashboard is your child ..the very person you are suppose to protect . When we have decided to have a child certain compromises have to be made to ensure the safety of your child sit at the rear seat with your baby and not in front with your husband/wife . Get a car seat ..strap you child safely ,,

Teach young children these important safety  instructions rather than to compete with each other for marks.. And stop mocking people who talks about safety, who ask you to wear  a helmet while cycling ,wear knee pad while cycling , stop mocking people who get car seats for their child, stop treating safety and hygiene as luxury when it is the only thing at matters at the end of the day ..

We lost a young girl to ensure maintenance is done across all government schools. May your soul rest
in peace little angel..May your family find justice for you.

Stop blaming each other and lets do our bit for ourselves.. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

About beauty

We will feel as beautiful or happy as we feel within ;and not as we appear outwards.😇 (as thought by me :) )

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Random thoughts about life

I am a mother now :)... It is one of the best feelings in the world. My son is 7 years old, and I enjoy learning things from him. Being a parent is fun but not easy all the time. However, I have become more confident as a person since becoming a mother. I have started doing things I have always wanted to do. I don't know where that strength comes from, but I feel it is coming from a place where I want my child to see that one should dream fearlessly and make things happen.

Yes, he makes me want to set goals for myself. He makes me want to learn to dance, to perform, to watch the stars, to play, to cook, to be kind to others, to stay fit, to sing, to travel more, to be independent, to love better, to laugh harder, to cry and wipe off my tears, and much more.

That's what kids teach us: to rekindle every moment we forgot to live because we were busy trying to look pretty, find that perfect job, or please others by trying to be perfect. I now know there is no need to be perfect because no one is, and I want every child to know that it is okay to make mistakes as long as we learn from them. Let us, grown-ups, not put that pressure on our kids because they love us just the way we are, with all our flaws.

When he is upset, all he wants is my hug to make him feel better or a word of appreciation for his little achievements, as simple as brushing his teeth by himself. In the end, all that we, as adults, want too, is just to be appreciated for being ourselves. Let's do that for our kids and for grown-ups and create a better, more empathetic world for all of us.