Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year...

Welcome 2008!!!!

It's true when someone said "Absence makes the heart grow fonder'
It's when family members go different paths to pursue their interests, holidays and festivals seems to have more value.
The past two years I have been looking forward to these festive holidays as my brother comes home from Chennai which means lots of funny movies to watch, lot of rap music, lots more food, in short lots of fun :)... When he leaves, our home suddenly quite down :(... I am already waiting for the next holiday...

I didn't make any resolution this year as I know I am not going to stick to it. But I have added few more items to my secret wish list. I hope they come true this year :) [Chuckles!!!]

Have a great year everybody....


Anand MS said...

so u resolved to not make any resolutions. and "secretly" broke even that!!!??

Anonymous said...

Happy new year to you! Keep writing more.