Friday, December 01, 2006

Don't take this for granted!!!

One issue that bothers me is people taking life, things and relationships for granted. I try and tell everyone I know to value and cherish every moment in life. I don't want to go blah blah about this now ...but read the poem I got from the net about taking things for granted.. This poem written by Dean Blehert.

Taking for Granted

Caught myself taking it for granted

that you'd be home when I walked in,

alive, glad to see me and I as glad;

that in the next hour no lightning,

heart attack, terrorist bombing

or unexplained vanishing would shatter

our plans;

caught myself, blamed myself

not for failing to appreciate

the miracles we live, but like

knocking on wood, as if to say, "It's OK,God,

I'm remembering to be scared,

so you don't have to prove anything to me.

"Stupid, because maybe I'd never

taken anything for granted; maybe

I knew we'd be fine for an hour,

for years, for happily ever after,

because I was making it that way,

making the world I want to live in

by the power of my knowing.

Maybe when I caught myself and

apologized to God, I stopped putting

that world there, put there instead

this fear.

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