Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Understanding Lightning

When I was a kid, I used to get nauseous when there was thunder and ligtning. Well now I don't get nauseous but I tend to sit in the middle of room and keep my eyes closed so as to avoid seeing the light that flashes in through the window. Another thing I do is to keep the tubelight switched on when I am trying to sleep while there is lightning. So I guess , I am Astraphobic ( Fear of lightning). But I love rain :)....

There are more serious issues regarding lightning and thunder apart from my phobia like this is the time of the year when the southern districts of Kerala become vulnerable to lightning stikes causing damage to life and property as a result The Hindu newspaper had carried an article on this and to alert the public to the hazards of lightning and educate them on the precautions to be taken, the Centre for Earth Science Studies (CESS) [ ] published a brochure titled 'Lightning:Phenomenon and Precautions'.

Few points I picked up to be observed :

  • The brochure advices against using telephones and head sets during thunderstorm.

  • Turn off, unplug and stay away from appliances, computers, power tools and TV sets. Unplugging power cord and antenna will be helpful as ligtning may strike exterior electric, TV cable and phoen lines carrying energy to inside equipment.

  • Automobiles with coherent metal bodies are considered safe.

  • The greatest danger is under trees, especially just under low branches extending far sideways. After hitting a tree, lightning energy enters the house through the ground [ I didn't know that until now :(...]

For more read the brochure.

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